Aleksandar Grbovic is a medical doctor practicing General Medicine. His current association is with Institute of Occupational medicine, “Serbian Railways”.
Institute was founded by Serbian Railways Company 130 years ago. They provide specific medical services to rail personnel. Also Institute is a primary care medical facility responsible for more than 100.000 patients all over Serbia (approximately 50.000 patients in Belgrade branch).
Also he is attending Radiology residency and working on a project of preparing educational materials for the Internal Medicine board exams in the US as well as for the USMLE step 1 and 2.
For more than a year, he is also working as a freelance medical writer. Most of his articles are for lay people (by September 2018 he wrote 250 articles). Also as a medical writer, he has only one goal in his mind – to bridge the gap between doctors and patients point of view by breaking down complex medical topics and presenting them in lay people language.
2004- 2012 – Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade University (12 semesters + 1 year internship)
Also, in 2016 – Radiology residency program